Thursday 1 January 2015

The London Dungeon.......

Today we went to the London Dungeons where actors reenacted some of the history of London as well as some stories such Sweeny Todd & Miss Lovett.  When we walked in there was a man working in a kitchen and he slapped me in the face with a rubber fish, shouting "smell this fish!, Go on, smell it!" and then he did it again with a bigger fish!

We were guilty prisoners of the King because we had all committed a crime and had to be put into the Tower of London.  We went down the Thames river in a boat and when we got out the torturer showed us some tools that they used to use to torture the prisoners to get them to speak.  Some of the tools were the tongue remover, the thumb squeezer, the pear of anguish which looked very painful and pliers to pull prisoners nails off.  Mum was put in a cage because she was sent to deliver a letter to Guy Fawkes but she got caught, so did Guy Fawkes. They tortured him for 10 days and he didn't say a word.  Then they quatered him and put his head on a spike on the Tower bridge.
While we were walking through the streets someone emptied their chamberpot on Drew's head - he was all wet and disgusted! We went to see the Plague doctor who wore a mask with a really long nose that looked like a crows beak.  It was meant to stop him from breathing in the plague but it didn't work because when we got there he was dead.  His assistant took us into the Apothecary to see his body and tell us more about the plague.  She strapped dad into a chair to operate on him because she said he looked like he had the plague.  So she knocked him out with a wooden mallet and then bled him and put leeches on him to get rid of the bad blood.
We met Sweeny Todd and Miss Lovett as well as Jack the Ripper who scared us all. We went into a tavern and the barmaid told us about what Jack the Ripper had been doing and that he was still on the loose.  Suddenly the lights went out and everything started banging and then the lights turned on and the Ripper was in the room trying to stab someone siting at the table. It was scarey! 
In the end we all were hung for our crimes then had our heads chopped off and put on a spike on the Tower Bridge..........   Hannah

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