Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Night in the Museum

Today we went to the Natural History Museum of America in New York, it's the one that Night in the Museum was filmed.  It was a rainy day and there was a very long line to get into the museum, I think everyone had the same idea to visit the museum because it was warm and dry inside.
This is Theodore Roosevelt (Teddy) who was a politician, naturalist, author, soldier, explorer and historian who was also the 26th president of the United States.  He seemed like a jolly good chap!

We saw alot of stuffed animals shown in their habitiats.  There were displays from Asia, North America, South America, Africa, under the ocean and more.  We even came across this naughty little fellow.....
Luckily we weren't at the museum at night time or we'd be in big trouble with Dexter the Capuchin monkey on the loose!  Just by the look of him you could tell he was mischievous! 
There were lots of other displays at the museum such as the history of people from different nations and their culture and Countdown to Zero which described lots of diseases that have infected people in the world such Polio, River Blindness and the Guinea Worm and how they are being eradicated.
These are some of the first European settlers in America, they were Dutch but there were also English, French, Italians and many others as well as the American Indians who were already living there.
They also had an area for The Pacific and look who we found - "Hey Dum-Dum you give me Gum-Gum!"  I can't wait to see the real Easter Island heads when we go there.  We had an awesome day in the museum, it was really interesting.  Hannah

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