Thursday 25 December 2014


On Monday we went to the Colosseum and I learnt some interesting facts such as a wealthy shoe designer has donated 25 million Euro for the Colosseum to be cleaned because it is black from pollution. There are two cats that live inside the Colosseum and over 7000 people visit the Colosseum every day!
After we went to the Roman Forum and Palantine Hill which used to be the heart of ancient Rome.  We saw the stone that Julius Caesar was cremated on, people throw coins onto it, the tour guide doesn't know why!  The oldest parts of The Forum were built in the 7th and 8th centuries BC and some of the arches and columns are still there now.  The emperors and the wealthy used to live in the Forum and so did the vestal virgins who lived in a huge house together.  They were very important in ancient Roman mythology as they were the priestesses of Vesta and their job was to keep the eternal flame alight and to acompany the emperor to the Colosseum.

We also saw Circus Maximus where they used to have chariot racing and we walked through lots of other ruins.  Hannah


  1. There were geese on the Palatine to warn everyone if Rome was being attacked...noisy birds, Hannah...xAJ

  2. Finally found you guys! Lots of love to you all. More food updates please!!!
    Xx Sarah and Phoebe

  3. I miss u soo much hannah and I want you to come back right now. All the same I hope u r enjoying yourself a lot!!!😝 Phoebe
