Friday 16 January 2015


The weather in Scotland was really wet and windy while we were there and we were feeling a little homesick so we decided to go to Perth and have some lunch.  We went to a massive old pub which had so many different things to choose from that dad couldn't decide.  He had a meltdown because he wanted to have one of everything but in the end he just chose an ordinary burger!

After we went to Stirling Castle.  There was lots to see there and some people were dressed up in Medieval clothes and they explained things about the castle and how the Royalty used to live.  The King and the Queen had a giant bedroom each but they didn't actually sleep in them, the rooms were used to recieve important visitors.  Their real bedrooms were very small and cosy down the hall from the large bedrooms.
There was a huge tapestry that ran around the top of  the walls of the enormous room.  It told a story of people hunting down a unicorn to use its magical powers.  The tapestry was all done by hand and it took 13 years to finish.  Suprisingly only men were allowed to do tapestry back then, most of the cooks were men as well.  We went into the kitchens where there were statues showing how they used to cook the food.  They ate lots of meats like fish, chicken, swan, deer, boar, peacock, quail and pigeons. There were lots of vegatables and they made delicious looking pies and breads.  
The castle was massive with many big rooms, a church, kitchens, cellars and it had really big walls with cannons -the king and queen must have lived very comfortably in the castle.  I thought Scotland was really nice with all the old buildings and I loved the cobblestone roads.  We didn't eat any Hagis so we'll have to go back to try some!  Hannah 

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