Friday, 30 January 2015

Memphis, Tennessee

Graceland is where Elvis Presley used to live, it is in Memphis, Tennessee.  Elvis Presley was called "The King of Rock and Rolll."  He was a singer and an actor and he made heaps of records and movies.  Some of Elvis's songs were Love Me Tender, Viva Las Vegas, Blue Suede Shoes, Heartbreak Hotel and Hound Dog.   
 Elvis joined the army even though he was famous and he donated lots to charity and people who were in need. We had a look at his mansion and we got to go inside on the ground floor, the second floor was private just like when Elvis lived there.  Everything in the house is left exactly how it was as when he lived there.
There were lots of different rooms in the house such as the pool room which had colourful, pleated material all over the walls and ceiling, the t.v. room with three t.v.s and a massive couch, a large kitchen, dining room and my favorite the jungle room.  The jungle room had bright green shag pile carpet on floor, walls and ceiling, it had lots of wooden chairs and tables, jungle animal toys, plants and old radios.  It was really cool.
Elvis was given heaps of awards for his music and movies, it seems like everyone loved him.  His costumes were really different, they had beads and studs, tassles, sequins and some were made of leather.
Elvis died in 1977 when he was only 42, they say that the world cried that day.  Elvis was buried in his garden with his mother, father and grandmother.  There is a memorial there too to remember his identical twin brother Jesse who was stillborn. Elvis's grave is the most visited grave site in America.  Hannah

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