Monday 29 December 2014


On the way to Venice we had a stop over at Florence.  We walked around sight seeing for most of the time before we hopped back on the train to Venice.
  We went to the Leonardo Da Vinci Museum where they had recreated many of his designs for machines in wood.  Some of the inventions we still use today such as the ball bearing, winches, pulley systems, and rollers.  The most interesting inventions were the machine gun, tank, mortor, flying bicycle, helicopter and a working robot that looked like a knight.  It also showed many of his drawings of the human body and how it worked such as muscle, organs, bones and veins and arteries.  There were copies of his artworks such as The Vetruvian Man which showed the dimentions of the body, The Last Supper which depicted Jesus and his disciples at their last meal together before the betrayal of Jesus by Judas, The Mona Lisa and and a painting of John the Baptiste. There also was a room where you could try out some of Da Vinci's inventions to see how they worked.
 I thought Florence was an interesting place to explore, the buildings were really decorative with a lot of detail and flourishment.  I really liked the Leonardo Da Vinci museum, I didn't realise how smart he was until I saw his inventions, he must have been so intelligent.  Drew

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